Dear God,
We are tired.
We are tired of life being on hold.
We are tired of the sacrifices, big and small.
It’s like we’ve been asked to eat broccoli all these months, and we are just longing for a frosting-thick slice of cake.
We are tired of the losses, one after another after another.
We are tired of wondering what the world will look like now.
We are tired of injustice.
Of course we are grateful; grateful to still be here, still have jobs and food and income, but we are also tired of having to say, “Of course we are grateful.”
You never tire. You hold up the night and bring forth the day.
You watch over the birds chirping in the green fuzz of grass covering my yard this morning.
You are present at death beds and at birth moments.
You never leave us. You never have, so we know you will not leave us now.
But we could use a rainbow, a reminder that you will bring us through.
We could use a stirring in our souls.
Thank you for remembering that we are but dust, and we need these reminders of you.
And that slice of cake wouldn’t hurt either.
Your weary people